Thursday, February 19, 2009

Tiny Tie Mee

How many outfits can you put me in, Mom?


Michaela had some avocado tonight. She's really liking this solid food thing!

Green Bean Baby

Thanks for your purchase at, Grand-Mary! Now the Green Bean Baby is officially mine!

Clap Happy

She just started clapping today!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Soooo cute!

Michaela is getting good at reaching for Ami's tail--she catches it sometimes!

I guess I might get called a boy in this flannel!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Tie Mee Takeoff

Michaela and I at the start of the day.

My first sale!! Organic onesie set--the popular item of the day.

The real draw of the day--Michaela, "the cute baby from the newspaper." What a draw! Tie Mee was lucky enough to be featured in an article about the upcoming event and we got our pic in there. So everyone kept commenting on Michaela--what am I chopped liver?? Oh a few people recognized me. We have to get bodyguards now.
A little hard work, ingenuity and a cute baby = Tie Mee success!
Oh ya, I do have this really great guy who is my V.P. of Operations, Joe. Thanks Joe!! I swear I'll always keep my promise of a sweatshop free product!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

7 months old!

Hot child in the city!

I'm seven months old, dahling. I am incredibly irressistably adorable and got a mohawk on my bday. Love ya dahlings.

Beautiful Babe

Nice hood ornament!