Monday, January 26, 2009

A Walk in the Woods

Snowy trail the other day after an inch of snow had fallen about an hour east of us at Mt. Walker. Beautiful and challenging hike (especially with the pack on) yet a little too cold! We almost made it to the top. We'll try again in Spring.

The Possessed Duck (and Duckling)

Michaela smiles at this lovely duck and little chickie. Yet, it's proven to be a bit of a crazy little thing. It likes to talk when you flip the light switch on. It's just a little scary around midnight if you walk into the room and flip on the switch, and bam, "peek-a-boo" sounds! Ahh! Well, we've turned the switch to 'off' and she hasn't made a peep!

Walk on the Waterfront

We've been walking down on the path at the waterfront on some of these sunny days--but very chilly!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Hike's end for sleepy Michaela.


As Elmo so eloquently says: "Ya-hoo-wee!" First backpack trip ever for Michaela! Up to Marymere Falls we went. Michaela is cruising along at 6 months old.

Hot Tubbin'

Michaela loves her bath time--uh-oh, how'd that get in there?

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Bring on 2009, baby. This year will no doubt entail lots of tie dying!

More Christmas Pics

Lots of good times and babies! We even got a new set of wheels for Michaela's new jogging stroller!

Christmas Pics

I Love Rice Cereal

Michaela got to try some rice cereal on Christmas Eve. She really loves it!!

Twinkle Twinkle

Michaela's Christmas Star